In recent years, extending the battery life of cellular phones and laptop computers, etc., has been a matter of priority. Research findings from this field, however, are not confined in their application to merely cellular phones, etc., but form the basis for further research into batteries for hybrid vehicles and other devices requiring "clean" energy. Here at Hohsen, we are keeping an eye. Current trends in the energy market. The needs related to the introduction of strategic equipment. The development of other devices.
Battery-Related Engineering
Our activities in this field consist mainly of engineering related to development and production equipment for secondary batteries, Ni-Cd batteries, Ni-MH batteries, Li-ion batteries, polymer batteries, double electrolytic condensers, fuel batteries, and solar batteries, etc. and the sale of related materials and parts.
Energy-Related Technology
Hohsen has been involved in the development of hybrid vehicles, next-generation low-pollution vehicles, and more practical battery-powered vehicles from an early stage. Gathering information from around the world in the field of energy storage, we offer high-level technological services to clients.
We support researchers in this field by providing high quality products.